Wednesday, March 4, 2009

14 hour flight complete!

Well, I officially made it to Asia! I'm sitting in the airport in Taipei, Taiwan awaiting my connection flight to Phnom Penh. Amazingly 14 hours didn't seem that bad, but I did have my own row to lay down and sleep for a good majority of it :) And I tell you, people watching is hilarious. I love the different facial expressions and noises of laughter. You'd think that most everyone sounds the same when they laugh AND sneeze, but no. I even start to chuckle after listening to others. The children are the cutest. This one boy on the airplane couldn't get enough of peek-a-boo, I got some great smiles out of him. Okay, on my way to catch the next flight! I look forward to telling you all about my new home! Until then... Ciao, megs

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