Saturday, March 7, 2009

Vendor in Phnom Penh

Typical vendor in Phnom Penh, with anything and everything on a bike touring the city to sell to the locals. It must take a lot of strength to hold that darn thing up!


girl ford said...

It was more thatn great to hear your voice yesterday! Diesel and I miss you, but are loving the updates. stay safe and learn lots on the lango so you can be my personal tour guide when I come...counting down, only 21 more weeks or 147ish days!!

Craig McDonald said...

Hi Megs,
Glad to hear those things I recall haven't changed. Hot, humid and unique smell of the tropics. Just wait till it rains, for 3 hours straight, then gets hot again. Be safe and have fun. We'll miss you at Teresa's 50th.

Anonymous said...

Megs.. So thrilled to hear you got there safe and are enjoying the sites. You are really getting a taste of the culture fast..What an experience...You will be able to write a book....Take Care and Be Safe
Love Eileen and all