Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kampong Cham Beer Gardens!

After my final language course on Saturday, Richard, Mel and I decided to take a little adventure and head to the other side of the river because a local restaurant owner, Joe of Mekong Crossing Restaurant and Pub told us that there is a great beer garden over there. We packed up our bikes with loads of sunscreen, water and of course our cameras and headed for over the bridge! It was a pretty daring excursion since the sidewalks aren't big enough for bikes, so we were riding on the road. We came upon the beer gardens and to be honest, probably one of the most refreshing beers I have had in a while and my 1st beer in Cambodia! It was called Angkor Beer, which by all the signs outside of every market or restaurant, I'd say its the Coors or Budweiser of Cambodia. The gardens had separated areas with round tables to sit at and brought buckets of beer to choose from. They also had a huge stage and dance area where concerts are put on, too bad we didn't get to see one, maybe next time!

The way home could have been a story just in itself. Riding our bikes in the dark with barely any light except for the many modes of transportation that drove by honking their horns at the only people riding bicycles on the road! We chose to walk our bikes over the bridge that time which allowed us to actually use the miniature sidewalk! All in all, we got some great pictures, delicious beer and a fun event! Pictures soon to come, I promise!